Revlow | Reusable coffee filter and tea bag

Revlow | Reusable coffee filter and tea bag

One step closer to sustainable living.

Revlow | Reusable coffee filter and tea bag
Cotton can be recycled using old garments or textile leftovers. Recycled cotton prevents additional textile waste and requires far fewer resources than conventional or organic cotton. This makes it a great sustainable option.

The lives of all people rely upon natural resources. There is no aspect of immortality in the natural resources on which our survival depends. The value of sustainability emerges at this point. The value of sustainability means ensuring sustainability and seeks to create a balance between human beings and nature. Establishing this equilibrium is what people have.

Only one solution to the sustainability situation that people need to have is available. The technology, climate, environment, energy, and natural resources used need to be known and evaluated, and planned guidance on long-term plans and resources should be developed. As a whole, sustainability must be viewed. It is important to be aware of non-renewable sources of energy and to concentrate instead on using renewable sources of energy.

As ReFlow, we work for future generations to live in a more livable environment. People around the world now want assurance that the products they buy are made from renewable materials and that the world's natural resources are protected. We know that brands have a lot of responsibility to ensure the sustainability of the world.

Cotton can be recycled using old garments or textile leftovers. Recycled cotton prevents additional textile waste and requires far fewer resources than conventional or organic cotton. This makes it a great sustainable option.

There are two different coffee filters that you can use while brewing coffee. These; metal filters and paper filters. Metal filters; It has poor performance during coffee brewing and can threaten human health. The paper filter is one of the brewing tools that directly affects the flavor of filter coffee. Therefore, it is more convenient to use paper filters.

On the other part, We do great harm to nature by using paper filters for our coffee enjoyment. There are two different ways to obtain filter coffee paper. The first is to bleach the brown color using chlorine, the second way is to bleach using oxygen. It increases toxic wastewater and air pollution. These methods are extremely harmful to the environment. Also, paper coffee filters can only be used once, and recycling centers often do not allow them, they are thrown into landfills.

Cotton can be recycled using old garments or textile leftovers. Recycled cotton prevents additional textile waste and requires far fewer resources than conventional or organic cotton. This makes it a great sustainable option.

An important part of our lives is coffee. We want coffee every day and we want it to be healthy. We need to provide better alternatives to disposable products that waste energy. Let's leave our trees where they are to repair our planet's carbon imbalance. Let's filter our coffee with something that can last longer and help us get started.

For this reason, we started to create a natural coffee filter because we thought the right fabric could produce even more delicious coffee. We created reFlow, an easy-to-use and delicious coffee filter, with our history in the textile industry and our love of coffee. ReFlow reduces the environmental impact of a cup of coffee and can be reused hundreds of times with proper care.

The reFlow is an organic recycled cotton filter that can be used hundreds of times with proper cleaning. For filtering coffee, its extremely tight weave is perfect. They do not prevent oil and microparticles from entering into your coffee like paper filters. These oils in coffee contain many flavors that add flavor to your coffee, which makes your coffee more body and acidic. At the same time, microparticles penetrating your coffee filtered with reFlow give a more intense and rich aroma.

Cotton can be recycled using old garments or textile leftovers. Recycled cotton prevents additional textile waste and requires far fewer resources than conventional or organic cotton. This makes it a great sustainable option.

The reFlow is an organic recycled cotton filter that can be used hundreds of times with proper cleaning. For filtering coffee, its extremely tight weave is perfect. They do not prevent oil and microparticles from entering into your coffee like paper filters. These oils in coffee contain many flavors that add flavor to your coffee, which makes your coffee more body and acidic. At the same time, microparticles penetrating your coffee filtered with reFlow give a more intense and rich aroma.

Although it is a natural fiber, traditional cotton is far from environmentally friendly. It is mainly produced in dry and warm areas but needs a lot of water to grow. In some places, such as India, inefficient water use means up to 20,000 liters of water are required to produce 1 kg of cotton. Meanwhile, 100 million people in India do not have access to drinking water.

99.3% of cotton is grown using fertilizers and genetically modified seeds. Cotton represents 10% of the pesticides and 25% of the insecticides used globally.
99% of the world’s cotton farmers are located in developing countries where labor, health and safety regulations are nonexistent or not enforced most of the time. Child and forced labor are common practice.
In Uzbekistan (the 6th largest exporter of cotton in the world), more than 1 million people are forced to pick cotton for little or no pay every year.

Cotton can be recycled using old garments or textile leftovers. Recycled cotton prevents additional textile waste and requires far fewer resources than conventional or organic cotton. This makes it a great sustainable option

Cotton can be recycled using old garments or textile leftovers. Recycled cotton prevents additional textile waste and requires far fewer resources than conventional or organic cotton. This makes it a great sustainable option.


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