Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

Flavors - Singers and Musicians' Revolution!
Enrich your microphone sound anywhere with seven flavors for studio recording, live and podcasting.

Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

Flavours Preamps is a collection of studio-quality microphone inline analog preamplifiers that will bring an extra dose of gain and colour to your recordings and live performances.

Thanks to the wide range of flavours offered, you can enjoy different gain levels, from an enhanced and crystalline sound to different types and intensities of "sonic flavours" specially designed to bring a unique character, always without losing a drop of musicality. You will get warmer nuances and sounds, others sharper or hotter, others denser, others more saturated, others with more definition, more grain, or even more crunchy.

Like all our products, the Flavours Preamps are handmade with tons of love in Madrid (Spain), with circuits and electronic components of the highest quality. These products result from the joint effort of engineers, musicians, designers, and producers to provide a full range of "portable flavours" that will enrich and nuance the sound of your microphones.

Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

Each of these seven microphone preamplifiers works thanks to the phantom power (48V) of your audio interface or your mixing console, returning the boosted signal from your microphone. This will improve the ability of your audio interface to pick up and manipulate the sound with the highest quality, solving some of the noise problems you may be experiencing with your microphone, and allowing you to use longer cables and providing an extra dose of colour depending on the flavour you have chosen.

Your creativity will rule as you record voices and instruments of all kinds!
Put them in the backpack, keep them in the guitar case, purse, or the car's glove box.
They are ultra-compact and don't need batteries or additional power cables, so you can use them comfortably not only at home or in the recording studio but also in the rehearsal room, in your live concerts, in your streaming and videoconference sessions, or working on your productions all over the city, or while traveling or on vacation.
Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

We have designed seven different flavours, offering a very versatile sound range to help you improve the sound of your lead voices, choirs, Spanish guitars, acoustic guitars, electric guitar, bass amplifiers, and all kinds of string instruments such as violins, cellos or double basses, percussion instruments... In short, any voice or instrument that can be picked up by a microphone.

Each of the models offers a different gain level (always boosted), as well as a possible frequency filter (more or less bass, mid and/or treble) and a certain harmonic distortion, or even an improved but totally neutral sound, without additives.
Flavours Preamps are: Truffle, Cocoa, Mint, Chilli, Vanilla, Pepper and Salt.

Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

Truffle, our most daring and exclusive sound. It brings an abundant amount of saturation to the sound thanks to its high-quality transformer and the musical distortion provided by its exclusive germanium diodes. It's not a flavour for everyone or with which to dress up all your recordings, but a pinch on the right instrument will delight your audience.
FILTER: more bass, less treble.
DISTORTION: a lot of musical distortion!

Cocoa brings a thick, dense character to your sound, thanks to its slow response to transients and its Carnhill® transformer, the same one we use in our acclaimed professional Lava Preamp. If you want to add a lot of grain and colour to your bass, drums, or even your voices, Cocoa will not leave you indifferent.

Mint also bases its operation on the distortion generated by a pair of exclusive germanium diodes, but in a much more subtle and controlled way. You will add a soft and very musical noise that will sometimes remind you of the sound of tape recordings.

Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

Chilli is our most wild flavour and, without a doubt, the sharpest and hottest. Its character is based on a unique blend of components seasoned with the power provided by its high-quality transformer. Many guitarists and percussionists will want to carry one under their arm at all times.

Vanilla brings a more creamy and controlled sound, with an excitement of even harmonics and a slow response to transients thanks to the Lundahl® transformer that will delight all lovers of warm voices, full-bodied choirs, and the recording of string instruments with a moderately thick sound, from guitars to harps, through violins, cellos, basses, double basses, and even ukuleles.

Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

Pepper brings a very defined flavour, with a pinch of compression, slightly spicy but without getting distortion at the highest levels of signal, as is the case with Chilli, its big brother. Its fast response to transients and its excellent level of gain will help you get a better sound in voices of many different pitches and achieve recordings of guitars and percussion instruments with a definition that will not leave you indifferent.

When the flavour you already have in a dish is 100% what you are looking for, but you would like to enhance it, what do you use? A pinch of salt, exactly! Salt is our most neutral and transparent flavour, that is, without adding a speck of flavour, colour, or distortion to your sound.

This preamp is perfect for use with your favorite passive ribbon mics, protecting them from the possible adverse effects of phantom power and preserving all the original nuances while amplifying the weak signal usually generated by this type of mics so that you have no noise at the input of your audio interface when trying to compensate for that low signal.

Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution

Flavours Preamps are specially designed for safe use with dynamic and passive ribbon microphones, as they are the microphones that usually generate the smaller signal and need the biggest sound boost. For example: Shure SM7B, Shure Beta 58A, Shure SM57, Shure SM58, ElectroVoice RE20, Beyerdynamic M69N, M130, M160, AEA R84, Coles 4038, Royer Labs Passive Ribbon Microphones, SE Electronics VR1 Voodoo, t.bone passive ribbon microphones, and others.

We guarantee that the phantom power will never reach the microphone. Therefore, if you want to use the Flavours Preamps with condenser microphones or with active (phantom-powered) ribbon microphones, you will have to use an external phantom power source to feed your microphone.

By the way, USB microphones cannot be connected to the Flavours Preamps, only microphones connected via balanced audio cables with XLR connectors (male-female).
The output of Flavours Preamps is a boosted balanced microphone signal (output is not a line signal.

Flavours - Singers and Musicians' Revolution


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