Fuck Covid Toilet Paper

Fuck Covid Toilet Paper

A toilet paper to express your anger against Covid.


Covid screwed us all, and our team, Rocket Smiles, truly wanted to help... but how? We found out that the best we could do was to give people a way to express their anger against Covid in a fun and healthy manner.

Because we think that, when hurt, sometimes the best way to cope with it is by laughing, and doing so with our friends and family. This product is for yourself and for others, to give as a gift, and bring other people to laugh with you.

A gift to share happiness, but also the hope that, thank to vaccines, this 2021 WE ARE GOING TO KICK COVID'S ASS!

We have overcome a lot; social distancing, quarantines and, of course, a lack of toilet paper everywhere!!! With this campaign not only will you be saved from running out of toilet paper once again, BUT ALSO YOU WILL ENJOY EVERY WIPE AS NEVER BEFORE!
Fuck Covid Toilet Paper A toilet paper to express your anger against Covid.

To make our project possible, we need your help.
The Toilet Paper; let's fight Covid one ass wipe at a time!
The product not only works for laughs, but it's comfortable for your needs too! It's a great TP in every way! We can assure you that this time you will fight Covid with a clean ass!

Two ply, so that it is a beautiful experience to use our TP
White sheet
Full color design of the Coronavirus, you will believe you have that blasted virus at your service down there! It comes in a nice suited box:
Fuck Covid Toilet Paper A toilet paper to express your anger against Covid.

White background
Original full color Fuck Covid design All the info you need
You can alway use our box to prank your friends! Use it as a fake present box. Put a gift in it and try not to laugh as you see your friend open a Fuck Covid box and pull out the real present!!!

You don't want to put Covid in your butt? That's fine, we have found other purposes for our TP:
Fuck Covid Toilet Paper A toilet paper to express your anger against Covid.

You can kick it You can use it to measure social distancing
You can give it to people that are recovering from Covid so they too can get back at the cursed virus.

If you sneeze in public, you can use our TP to clean your nose! (disclaimer: this won't prevent everyone from running away in fear, believing you got Coronavirus)
You can toilet paper your house!!! Why would you want to do that? We don't know!
Fuck Covid Toilet Paper A toilet paper to express your anger against Covid.

Help the WHO
We didn't just want to make this product available as a symbolic help, but to make it a true aid against Covid and share part of the profit with an organization that needs all the support we can give.

With your contribution you won't just be helping us, but others as well. 5% of profit will go to the Covid Response Fund, to help the World Health Organization in its effort to contain the pandemic.

Fuck Covid Toilet Paper A toilet paper to express your anger against Covid.
Fuck Covid Toilet Paper A toilet paper to express your anger against Covid.


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