DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot

DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot

Build your robot applications with an industrial-grade desktop robot
DOBOT MG400 Desktop Collaborative Robot Unlocks New Possibilities for Robotic Applications.

DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot

The MG400 is a lightweight desktop robot with a footprint smaller than a piece of A4 paper. Engineered to be lightweight, user-friendly and safe, MG400 can be easily integrated into any production line or lab bench, making it universally accessible and affordable. Because of its cost and capabilities, MG400 thrives in applications with small-scale production, laboratory automation, research and development.

MG400 looks to help small and midsized businesses beef up productivity with consumer-level accessibility and affordability.

SHENZHEN, Jan. 26, 2021 – DOBOT, a world-leading provider of intelligent robotic arm solutions, has recently unveiled DOBOT MG400, a lightweight desktop robot for automation and human-robot collaboration. MG400 is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter.

DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot

With one third the cost of a typical industrial robot, DOBOT aims to popularize access to robotic applications for every industry. MG400 seamlessly integrates into various manufacturing processes by performing tasks such as loading and unloading, dispensing, inspection, and testing. MG400 also excels in liquid handling and specimen processing at biomedical and chemical laboratories. Furthermore, it greatly facilitates automation and robotics research in universities.

"MG400 inherits our philosophy to prioritize compactness, cost efficiency and time saving. We’ve made it lightweight and flexible to help businesses automate existing processes and workflow across industries. Our ultimate goal to consumerize industrial-grade robots the way Apple did with personal computers.” said Jerry Liu, founder and CEO of DOBOT.

DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot

Consumer-Level Ease of Use
10 Minutes Deployment: Taking up the same footprint as a laptop and weighing only 8 kilos, MG400 is compact enough to sit workbench or work alongside an existing line or cell.
Multiple Controls for Beginners & Professionals: MG400 is programmable through teach.

and playback, graphical block program and LUA script.
Easy to Teach: Drag and move the robot to teach it a specific path.

Reassuringly Safe to Work Alongside
Powered by collision detection algorithm, MG400 achieves collision force threshold of less than 12N. MG400 needs no security fence and stops instantly when it touches an obstacle.

DOBOT is a world-leading provider of intelligent robotics arm solutions. DOBOT has sold more than 40,000 robots in 100 countries, connecting over 200,000 in manufacturing, education and business. DOBOT has vast experience in mechanical transmission, robot structure design, dynamic control algorithm, low voltage DC motor and servo drive, securing 130 intellectual property rights and 72 software copyrights domestically and internationally.
DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot
Versatile Applications
DOBOT MG400 is made for small and mid-sized businesses that have to deal with seasonal demands and high degrees of customization. This industrial-grade, compact robot can adapt to short-run productions seamlessly and customers can use it to automate processes including testing touch screen, loading and unloading parts, dispensing, quality inspection, etc.

Commercially Available Industrial-Grade Performance
To maximize MG400’s potential as a productivity tool, professional and reliable performance has been made the top priority since the beginning of the design process.

Professional Hardware: MG400 has a controller design based on Linux real-time system, and makes use of the most advanced 1-to-4 servo drive technology.
High Precision: All axes use low-voltage DC servo motors with high-precision absolute position encoders, and mechanical transmission parts with low backlash. All these put MG400 in a superior position to produce repeatability up to ±0.05mm.

Lasting Durability: we’ve rigorously tested MG400 to ensure is built with a service life of more than 12,000h (10 hours per day over 3 years).

DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot

Born for Desktop Application Scenarios
MG400 is designed with small-scale production in mind. With a 190mm (7.48 inches) ×190mm(7.48 inches) footprint, the robot is lightweight enough to carry in a backpack, and compact enough to sit on a desk or workbench as well as alongside an existing production line or cell, offering you full flexibility across your business.

Inherently Safe: So Gentle It Can’t Even Hurt a Balloon
With safety as its core, MG400 adopts an advanced collision detection algorithm with a collision force threshold less than 12N. The robot stops immediately when it touches an obstacle, putting it in the same league as the world’s best cobots.

Cutting Edge Algorithms to Get the Job Done
Vibration Suppression Algorithm: Fulfill Tasks Smoothly & Steadily
The adopted vibration suppression algorithm increases repeatability bandwidth stability by 60% and reduces residual vibration by 70% without affecting the space trajectory accuracy of multi-axis motion. This means that the robot’s tool will move more steadily without jittering, ensuring smooth execution of tasks.
DOBOT MG400: Lightweight Desktop Collaborative Robot


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