The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations.

 The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations

The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations

This‌ ‌catchy,‌ ‌witty‌ ‌compilation‌ ‌of‌ ‌inventions,‌ ‌filled‌ ‌with‌ ‌beautiful‌ ‌illustrations,‌ ‌is‌ ‌a‌ ‌wonderful‌ ‌gift‌ ‌for‌ ‌collectors,‌ ‌enthusiasts,‌ ‌and‌ ‌curious‌ ‌minds

A mysterious book about inventions of human civilization in alternative worlds

Recently Kickstarter has launched a project that can become an interest of unusual book collectors

The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations

and book fans. It is a stunning book The Ultimate Guide on Rebuilding Civilization
The authors
of the book are Timur Kadyrov and Seva Batischev, founders of escape room projects and owners of a board games company. The 400

page edition describes the most significant and impressive mechanism s, processes an
materials ever invented.

The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations

The book is divided into sections devoted to medicine, mechanisms,
materials, military arts, society and entertainment. Almost each book spread has large bizarre illustrations that combine engineering drawings and medieval art

These illustrations clearly show
how to make a radio, a deadly trebuchet, a camera, an Australian didg and many other astonishing things.

“Most people know little about how the main inventions of our civilization work. People usually don't k now how to make electricity or a combustion engine they don’t know
which ingredients

are essential for paper or gunpowder; they don’t know what sense social rituals such as seppuku have,” says Timur Kadyrov. “In The Book we also show these inventions from a new perspective.

The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations

All these ideas coming from the information realm don’t have to follow some fixed historical arc and could find another use in different worlds of Multiverse.
The Ultimate Guide was created as a unique artifact similar to the world’s m ost mysterious books such as the prominent fifteen
century Voynich manuscript and the mantic Summa Technologiae
of Stanisław Lem. The book is also influenced by the imagery of the renowned Codex Seraphinianus

The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations

which is an unconventional book of an Italian architect Luigi Serafini.
A team of illustrators, writers and editors with the assistance of technical experts work on The Ultimate Guide. The book will be printed on high

quality mat art paper and have a hard cover. Everyone who is interested in engineeri ng, medicine, philosophy and art will like this book.

The Ultimate Guide
will be a great present for collectors of unusual books and those who like to think of human civilization development theories. You can learn more about
The Ultimate Guide to Rebuild ing a Civilization and make a preorder on the page of
Kickstarter project
The Book The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization. Over 400 pages of detailed and catchy illustrations


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