Livefeed – Fair, Unbiased, and Secure Social Media

 Livefeed - Fair, Unbiased, and Secure Social Media

We provide users worldwide with a user focused social media network dedicated to unbiased news and information.

Livefeed – Fair, Unbiased, and Secure Social Media

Most people would agree that there are many problems with social media today. From data leaks to dangerous rumors to widespread misinformation, there are viable arguments that social media has come to do more harm than benefit in our world. We have all seen how the major social media platforms have torn apart communities and disseminated lies. Not too long ago, this sort of large-scale chaos would have been impossible – because information moved more slowly and because there was more responsibility around its dissemination.

Among Gen Z and Millennials especially, these issues matter. Fake news has become a major concern, leading many younger people to give up social media altogether. While this may seem like the reasonable choice in the midst of so many negative situations online, it is also the extreme choice: when someone gives up social media completely, they are giving up all of the connections they could have formed there as well as all of the learning that could have taken place there. They are throwing away the good with the bad.

Livefeed – Fair, Unbiased, and Secure Social Media

On Livefeed, you can get unbiased news and tap into fair, complete discussions, getting a look at what is going in the world – not a look at the lies that the major players are trying to push onto people or fit into the narratives they want to sell. We are keeping the narrative safe and clear by empowering our users to add voiceovers onto other people's videos – getting their expertise out there and even translating foreign-language content. Users may upvote or downvote other user’s voiceover and comments, thus discerning the truth from the lies and become news reporters using nothing more than a smartphone.

This is the idea underpinning Livefeed, a social media platform that is going to correct the shortcomings and errors that have become so widespread on other platforms. We are standing up for the type of social media that we want to use and pushing back against the second-rate standards that have dominated the field. We are encouraging everyone to use Livefeed to stay up to date on the latest happenings in the world, uniting professional journalists with regular people. This is a groundbreaking take on what social media can be, transforming multimedia into an all-around discussion format.
Livefeed – Fair, Unbiased, and Secure Social Media

Our mission is to offer our users unaffected by political affiliations and corporate interests content. We want to help people cut through the lies and the nonsense that they are seeing on other social media platforms. On Livefeed, you will find high-quality content, not the same trivial stuff that everyone else is letting flow through their pages.

The problem is, we cannot fix social media from the inside out. Instead, we need to encourage an exodus from the wrong social media platforms and champion a social media platform that aligns with our values and ideals. We do not need to support the social media platforms that sell our data and allow fake news to run rampant. All of the social media companies that have refused to respect their duty to their users must learn that they need their users more than their users need them.

We reached out to our target market, which is mainly Generation Z and Millennials, ranging from 18 to 44 years old, asking their opinion about our service. According to our survey, conducted by SurveyMonkey, people are clamoring for exactly the type of social media that we are developing. Just check out these results.

With such positive feedback, we are confident to say that we are creating an extremely useful service for the people who need it today. From now on, it is not simply an idea, but a validated product concept.

We are looking to raise 50’000 CHF through this campaign to cover the costs of developing and publishing the first version of Livefeed, including automated registration, social network integration, user profiles, activity feeds, photos, audio and video tools, streaming tools, ratings, commenting, SMS text messaging, live chats, push notifications, a CMS, an administration panel, and an advertising suite.

Livefeed – Fair, Unbiased, and Secure Social Media

Risks and challenges
As long as we can achieve our funding goal, we are ready for the development process. We have created a solid strategy with developers, and although the process will not be simple, we can handle it. At that point, our main challenge will be the competition – the established social media giants, which will not give up their market share without a fight. As a contributor, you will receive regular updates about all of that from here on out.

One More Way to Help
In addition to making a monetary contribution to this campaign, you can show your support for Livefeed by sharing a link to the campaign on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media platforms you use. The more people are aware of Livefeed before the launch, the smoother the next year.
Livefeed – Fair, Unbiased, and Secure Social Media


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